FRIENDLY EAGLE SOFTWARE INC. Canada +1 (780) 604 0867
"Delivering the health, safety and environment information you need to perform."

Pricing - all in Canadian Dollars

First month is truly FREE, without asking for any financial information. Contact us today to get started and explore the software (click here): we'll set you up quickly and we'll import all your data and files/documents from your current system or from Excel/CSV files (or equivalent), at no cost. If you'll like the system - in terms of features, performance and overall look & feel - we'll register your company/organization as regular customer, with a monthly subscription. Basic Technical Support is always free. No long-terms contracts: month-to-month, cancel anytime with 30 days advance notice. Please note that we reserve the right to reasonably withhold or suspend the free month offer (e.g. illegit company/organization or fraud).

For the DEFAULT SOFTWARE, the monthly subscription fee is dynamically established mainly depending on the number of active employees registered in the system, reviewed each month (or quarter, if opting for quarterly subscription). Minimum ("BASE") subscription fee is $500 and there is no long-term contract - only 30 days advance notice to stop using the system, without any cancellation penalty.

Basic Technical Support is included at no extra cost. We have the reputation of a very responsive and outstanding Technical Support, resolving any potential issues as quickly as possible - keeping our customers informed along the way. We are also listening to customer feedback, incorporating as much as possible according to our development agenda or as custom (financially assisted) development.

Setup fee is $750 (one-time payment). With an empty, default database, we could launch your OPTIC software management application within one hour or less. During initial setup, we could import/transfer all your data from current safety system or from basic Excel or CSV files at no additional cost (e.g. First Name, Last Name, Department, Job Title, Email, Address, etc), including files (documents / attachments), training records and certificates, incident/inspection records, etc. - assuming that data is easily accessible and relatively straight-forward to process.

Each customer has its own secure database and file storage and the customer owns the data, in full privacy and confidentiality. Please refer to Terms and Conditions for details. The system has to work for you and your business - as a useful daily tool, providing promptly the information you need, when you need it.

New Features and Custom Development: We can develop new features targeted to your own specific requirements. The changes must not impact normal operation of other customers and they must be consistent with the application, overall. Such developments are executed based on an approved statement of work - providing an hourly estimate. Results are gradually visible and on time. We interact closely with our customers for feedback as things move forward.

Data Bridges (FTP): Automate data movement from your systems / applications or database environments, such as HR/payroll apps, to OPTIC – usually as data in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. The cost of developing such bridges depends on their complexity. There is no way to provide a precise evaluation of the cost, as all depends on the specific data structure, data volume and pre-processing that needs to be done, e.g. to correct date formats, remove invalid characters or padding spaces, classify/centralize/convert data, etc.

Electronic Forms (Templates): We encourage our customers to convert their paper forms (e.g. inspection forms) into electronic format themselves, with minimal assistance from us (Technical Support). Complex forms are done based on an approved statement of work. Once built, they can be used over and over to create or update an unlimited number of records (e.g. inspection or job hazard assessment forms, but not limited to those).

LMS / Training Bridges: Add-on feature (additional subscription required), allowing daily training data importing from other LMS / Online Training platforms through API calls: BIS Trainer, OSG Online (former Online Learning Enterprises), Yardstick / Rapid LMS (We Know Training / Danatech).

OPTIC API (optional): The API allows creating/updating or exporting live OPTIC records programmatically - through custom applications, as well as downloading files or documents from third-party Web locations (URLs) and linking them to OPTIC records. Enabling the API is a one-time fee of $900.

OPTIC Mobile: Our mobile application (Android & iOS) complements the Web application and there is no additional cost to use it. Please refer to MOBILE section for details.

Please contact us for a formal quote.

Online Training (OPTIC LMS): Add-on module (additional subscription required), released August 2019 - allowing taking online training within OPTIC. Any custom training material can be uploaded (MP4, AVI, PDF, Power Point, Word, etc) or linked externally (YouTube, Vimeo, etc). Custom quiz questions can be defined with with a rich set of configurations (PASS criteria, timeouts, mandatory questions, single or multiple answers. etc). When a quiz is PASSED, a standard training record is appended to employee's training profile together with a QR code certificate, while supervisors, managers or administrative personnel are automatically notified about it (similar notifications on FAIL). We are also offering an API for retrieving training data and certificates (JSON format). Cost: $3.25 / active LMS user per month, evaluated each month. Volume discounts apply. No minimum number of users.

Below is an overview of Online Training module. For best image quality, please open it in YouTube.
Same overview in PDF format: OPTIC Online Training (PDF)

EAGLE GPS (logo)EAGLE GPS by Friendly Eagle
Integration with EAGLE GPS: Commercial containers, trucks, cars, various hardware, computers, etc. or employees tracked through EAGLE GPS platform can be linked to OPTIC equipment or employees and when that link is established, their geolocation is available in OPTIC as well. EAGLE GPS is a completely different product, fully developed, owned and maintained by Friendly Eagle Software Inc. For details, please visit (separate subscription required; however, there is no cost for linking existing OPTIC records to EAGLE GPS tracking devices).

Note: Reasonable costs/fees adjustments may be applied from time to time to reflect external factors like economy inflation / general cost of living (CPI), preceded by at least 30 days advance notice.